Because I’m Black
By Nevaeh Bryan, 8th Grader
Because I'm black I’m armed
Because I’m black I’m dangerous
Because I’m black I’m in a gang
Because I’m black I steal
Because I'm black I don't deserve a future
Is this what you think when you see me walking down the street?
Violence is taught; it invades the brain and then you can't escape.
Because I’m black I’m stuck in this system
Because I’m black if I try to escape, I die
Because I’m black I’m different
Because I’m black I’m an outcast
Because I'm black I don't get the same opportunities
Because I’m black I’m afraid to be in my own skin
Because I’m black I’m not safe
Because I'm black I wake up in sweat and tears
Because I'm black I hear gunshots in front of my house
These are all the things that run through my mind
And it hurts
Because I’m black do I deserve this?
Should I run?
But running isn't going to change anything; it’ll just make it worse.
I’m suppose to be free, but it still feels like I’m a slave
in a society where you’re separated based on your color.
I'm a young black girl, 12 years old; people say as a child your life is suppose to be all cupcakes and rainbows, that we don't get it
We don't understand
But I see the problem clearly
Because I’m black does my darkness scares you
Because I’m black my skin is my strength
Because I’m black
My words are my gun